Blended & Blessed

Blended & Blessed 2020 Takeaways – Part 1

During the stay-at-home order last year, we had the opportunity to live-stream the Blended and Blessed marriage conference in April of 2020.  This post is part 1 of some of the notes and takeaways we had from the conference.  About the event The event was put on by Family Life ministries, and there were 4 amazing speakers.  Ron Deal is…

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Challenges, Communication, Habits

Loving Your Spouse Well

My mother in law commented on something I did one day, “it warms a mother’s heart to see her son loved well.”  As the words sunk in, I imagined my sons’ futures, and how true that would be. One of the reasons my first marriage ended was my concern that my boys would grow up believing love as they saw…

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